Stellaris DansTeater
~ I 2020 feirer Stellaris DansTeater 40 år og Solveig Leinan-Hermo 45 år som dansekunstner ~
  • © 2025 Stellaris DansTeater. Org. nr. 871405522

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Svaner i stein

Svaner i stein (Swans in stone) is a visually beautiful and energetic dance performance inspired by petroglyphs from Alta and the motif "Two Swans in Stone" which is from petroglyphs outside Belamorsk in the Republic of Karelia. T Facts and imagination create a leap from ancient to modern time visualised through several scenes. In a universe of movements and colours, yoik and choir, a fantasy world is created. Swans in Stone - The Nomadic People (film) and Fragments - excerpts from Swans in Stone are also in our repertoire. Read more here.
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Hard skin (working titel)

They asked
What colours are your world?
I answered
Blue as the ocean, a pink kiss, all the shadows of grey
But mostly gold

Marie Hermo Jensen works with text, film and choreography as her starting point. More information to come.
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