~ I 2020 feirer Stellaris DansTeater 40 år og Solveig Leinan-Hermo 45 år som dansekunstner ~
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Adnazdi / Однажды

Stellaris DansTeater (Hammerfest, Norway) and partner Kantele - The National Song and Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk) have made a performance based on Vespian and Sami culture.

As an indigenous population, both the Russian/Vepsian and Norwegian/Sami culture have strong traditions. Kantele´s roots lie in the culture and traditions of indigenous people in Karelia, and the company is 83 years old. They are famous for their musical folklore, traditional dance and music with a modern expression. Stellaris DansTeater is the oldest independent dance company in Norway, and has previously created several performances based on Sami culture, with the pieces "Geidosis", "Rissninger" and "Avadat". Choreographer Solveig Leinan-Hermo quickly responded with a yes to the request from Kantele to make a production that would connect the two companys and combine their two unique cultures. For "Adnazdi" we have gathered material from Kantele´s fantastic repertoire in order to challenge the different expressions of their repertoire and the traditions of contemporary dance.


Monday 27.05.2019 7 pm National Theatre Petrozavodsk, Karelia Republikk, Russia
Sunday 28.10.2018 5 pm National Theatre Petrozavodsk, Karelia Republikk, Russia
Tuesday 30.10.2018 7pm Culture Palace, Kondopoga, Karelia Republkk, Russia
Thursday 01.11.2018 7.30pm Sport and culture centre, Kem, Karelia Republic, Russia
Saturday 03.11.2018 4pm City Culture Centre Lovozero, Murmansk county, Russia during Dance festival «Polar sirkel»
Sunday 04.11.2018 11am County´s Culture Palace named after S.M. Kirov, Murmansk, Russia during Dance festival «Polar sirkel»
Monday 05.11.2018 4pm Culture Palace «OKTIABR», Zapoliarnij, Murmansk fylke, Russland
Tuesday 06.11.2018 6pm Artistic residence «VTORAJA SHKOLA», Nikel, Murmansk county, Russia
Sunday 11.11.2018 5pm Arktisk kultursenter, Hammerfest, Norge under DanseFestival Barents
Workshop Tuesday 06.11.2018 12.00noon Creative residence «VTORAJA SHKOLA», Nikel, Murmansk county, Russia

Suitable for all, recommended from 7 years of age.
Duration: 50 min


Choreographer, idea and producer: Solveig Leinan-Hermo
Assistant for Kantele´s dance repertoire: Oksana Smirnova
Composer, singer/joik and music design: Halvdan Nedrejord
Dancers: Ekaterina Nikitina, Eivind Linn, Tonje Aas Molnes, Dmitrii Melnikov, Ksenya Veselkova, Tatiana Papulova, Oksana Smirnova, brødrene Pavel, Semen and Aleksandr Dudal.
Choir: Tatiana Peron (solist), Marina Evseeva, Irina Popova, Marita Prokhorova, Mariia Sabinina, Marina Tukkiia.

Translator and production assistant: Anna Karpova
Production assistance, marketing and design: Marie Hermo Jensen
Print house: typo´nor (Hammerfest, Norway), IP MOSHNIKOVA (Petrozavodsk Russia, Trykkeri (Murmansk Russia).

Sound technician in Russia (Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Kem) at the National theatre in Karelia: Andrej Ivanov. In Hammerfest: Thomas Huru
Directors of collaboration with Kantele and Karelia: Tatiana Temnisheva and Olga Vlasova
Directors of choir Aino from KANTELE: Marina Ustinova
Head choreographer for ensemble Kantele: Oksana Smirnova
Artistic Director for Kantele: Vacheslav Ivanov
Production assistance from Kantele: Tatiana Papulova
Technicians on remaining tour: House technicians

Production: Stellaris DansTeater, Norway in collaboration with the staff at the The National Song and Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Karelia «KANTELE».

The performance is supported by BarentsKult, Hammerfest Kommune, Samediggi and Fond for utøvende kunstnere.

Local collaborators on tour:
• National Song and Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Karelia «KANTELE». (Petrozavodsk) • Nasjonal Theatre Karelia Republic (Petrozavodsk)  • Culture Palace Kondapoga (Kondapoga) • Sports and Culture Centre (Kem)  • County Culture Palace named after S.M. Kirov (Murmansk)  • City Culture Centre (Lovozero)  • Culture Palace «OKTIABR» (Zapoliarnij)  • Creative residency «VTORAJA SHKOLA» (Nikel) • DanseFestival Barents (Hammerfest) 

A big thank you to the The Sami National Theatre Beaivváš for lending us costumes. Thank you to Barents Travel and Private Transport Firm Sergey Abrosimov. A big thank you to all who have made this production and tour possible.


Kantele - The National Song and Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Karelia was established in 1936 and is named after an old traditional musical instrument, Kantele. The ensemble conserves and develops art from Karelia, Russian and Vepsk culture. Kantele has a rich and creative history in continuing traditions. They combine folkloristic elements with a scenic contemporary language. The repertoire has both classic and modern pieces from Karelian composers. "Kantele" started as an orchestra, but today consists of an instrumental ensemble, a dance group and a vocal group "Aino". In addition, they teach in traditional folkloric and modern genres.

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