We live in a different world to previous generations, where we cross borders as we travel, work and vacation. We migrate between countries on a large scale, and cultural exchange has become an everyday occurrence. We feel a sense of belonging in different cultures and we have homes in several places, some of us in the perceived peripheries of the world. The seasons no longer come in order. The nights and days meet in a technological world and create a sense of immediate closeness. The feeling of time and place has changed.
The creative team has been collaborating together on making this film since 2015, travelling between the arctic landscape of Norway´s Finnmark and the warm embrace of Waikato in Aotearoa, filming on our journeys.
The soundscape is from these recordings.
Dance and camera: Solveig Leinan-Hermo, Karen Barbour and Marie Hermo Jensen
Text, voice, editing and soundscape arrangement: Marie Hermo Jensen
Music composition, performance and mix: Gareth Schott
Costumes: Company archives
Filmed in Waikato, New Zealand and Finnmark, Norway
Duration: 6.53 min
Produced by Stellaris DansTeater and
Waikato Contemporary Dance Projects Trust.Supported by: The University of Waikato, Sparebank1 Kulturnæringsstiftelsen, Hammerfest Kommune og Arts Council Norway.
Waikato Museum in Hamilton, New Zealand 13 and 14.10.18 8 p.m, as a part of the evening
"Musology". (First version)
County Culture Palace named after S.M.Kirov, Murmansk,, Russia 4.11.18
Forum for nordnorske Dansekunstneres 30 year jubilee, Verdensteateret, Tromsø, Norway 09.08.19, 4pm
International Festival of Ethno Culture "Young Arctic", St. Petersburg 27.09.19, 3pm and 7 pm (Together with the film "The Rookie"