~ I 2020 feirer Stellaris DansTeater 40 år og Solveig Leinan-Hermo 45 år som dansekunstner ~
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Fragments - Excerpts from Swans in stone is a visually beautiful and energetic choreography. The piece is inspired by petroglyphs from Alta and the motif "Two Swans in stone" which is from petroglyphs outside Belamorsk. The choreography is a leap of thought from ancient times to a more modern time visualized through two stage images with facts and imagination. In a universe of movements and colors, yoik and choir, a fantasy world is created.

Choreographer: Solveig Leinan-Hermo
Composer: Halvdan Nedrejord
Dancers: Ekaterina Nikitina, Eivind Linn and Tonje Aas Molnes.
Producer: Stellaris DansTeater

Dance festival “Sianie Arktiki” in Arkhangelsk, Russia
Opening 10.01 at 17.00
Closing performance 12.01.

Stellaris DansTeater has been invited as the only International group, to dance festival "Sianie Arktiki" in Arkhangelsk in the period 8-14 January 2020. This festival is the largest Russian children's dance festival in the Arkhangelsk region. It unites hundreds of young dancers aged 7 to 25 from Siberia to northwestern Russia. Stellaris DansTeater performs at the opening and closing ceremonies.

"Two Swans" is supported by BarentsKult. Participation in the festival is covered by "Sianie Arktiki" and Hammerfest KOmmune in addition to their own efforts.

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